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Among the famous tourist destinations in An Giang, Cam Mountain is the most attractive place to visit. Tourists come to Cam mountain to admire An Giang beauty from the top of the mountain, take beautiful photos on Thuy Liem lake, discover the “interesting and mysterious” things of Cam mountain in Chau Doc. So what is the secret of Cam Mountain, which attracts visitors to visit here?

Overview of Cam Mountain – the most majestic mountain in An Giang

Khu du lịch Núi Cấm

Cam Mountain is one of the famous and wild tourist attractions in An Giang, Chau Doc City, An Giang Province. Cam Mountain not only has a beautiful, pristine natural landscape but also has a mysterious color with mysterious myths about the birth of the name Cam mountain. Besides the legends, Cam Mountain is an extremely attractive tourist mountain. In the itinerary of the visit to Cam An Giang mountain, visitors will know more about the best of Cam mountain that other mountains in An Giang do not have, that is the highest mountain (706m) in An Giang, the mountain with the most modern cable system and the mountain with the largest freshwater lake. Taking part in the Cam An Cam mountain tour, visitors will also discover unique Buddhist architectural works such as Van Linh pagoda, Big Buddha pagoda, Buddha relic tower … In addition, the rugged hills, which are difficult to go on Cam Mountain give visitors an attractive trekking route…

The “interesting, mysterious” legends and stories 30 years ago

Tịnh Biên – Wikipedia tiếng Việt

Besides the beautiful natural scenery of a high mountain region, Cam Mountain is also dyed mysteriously by the legends related to the story of the curse 30 years ago. It makes visitors feel curious and fascinated by the story full of mysteries there. “The mystery 30 years ago” is an interesting and mysterious story revolving around the accidents in Cam Mountain. In particular, 2 consecutive accidents in 2 years from 2012 to 2013 with certain coincidences with 2 accidents taking place in 2 years 1982 and 1983 made the legend of Cam Mountain in An Giang more and more mysterious. Although the scientists explained that the coincidence of the two accidents in 1982 – 1983 and 2012-2013 was just a coincidence, the mysterious stories related to the Cam Mountain are transmitted by many local people and tourists transmitted. Since then, Cam Mountain has become famous for its thrilling stories and mysterious legends.

To the poetic beauty of the natural landscape of Cam mountain

Despite being mysteriously dyed with legendary “interesting and mysterious” stories, one thing every tourist knows is that the beauty of the Cam mountain is what attracts them to visit here during the trip to An Giang. On the top of Cam Mountain, there is a 706m high Bo Hong hill that gives visitors a perfect panoramic view of An Giang nature. The Jade Emperor statue is placed on the sacred place and is worshiped by the people of An Giang every day. Under the Bo Hong hill is a 60,000m2 Thuy Liem lake with green and clear water and a cool atmosphere. Around Thuy Lam Lake are the architectural works of Buddhism with Asian beauty: Van Linh pagoda, Phat Lon pagoda, Buddhist relics tower, reclining buddha statue and Maitreya Buddha …

In the past, if you wanted to go to Cam Mountain, you had to travel through rugged and dangerous roads. With the advent of Cam Mountain cable car, visitors only need 15 minutes to move from the foot of the mountain to Thuy Liem lake. In particular, visitors sitting on the cable car cabin also admire the majestic and pristine natural beauty of Cam mountain before starting the journey to discover the most famous mountain in That Son An Giang. Cam Mountain is also an interesting trekking tourist destination for mountaineering enthusiasts. In particular, when traveling to Cam Mountain during the flooding season in An Giang (around August – October of the Lunar Calendar), visitors will be able to see An Giang filled with the bright yellow of the dandelion. Early in the morning, when reaching the top of Cam mountain, visitors will experience interesting cloud hunting … It can be said that, to Cam mountain, visitors will discover a truly perfect tourist paradise in An Giang.

Cam Mountain, located in Vietnam, invites travelers with its stunning landscapes and rich cultural heritage. From panoramic views of lush valleys to ancient pagodas, the mountain offers a serene escape for nature lovers and history enthusiasts alike, making it a must-visit destination.

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